I’ve already been working for you.

How much more can we accomplish together?

Put Glynn County First !

What I Stand For


A New Age

Our current system is broken. Yet we live in a beautiful area with a unique climate and an abundance of arable land, trees galore and plenty of wildlife. Therefore, we live in paradise. Our rivers, marshes and sea provide a cornucopia of seafood.

We also have a port with almost unlimited potential. The Georgia Port Authority will expand our RoRo and that will bring prosperity to Glynn County. We have land to build upon, neighborhoods that can be developed and homes to fill.

We can recover from the doldrums that have slowed us down but now are past.

Innovative Planning

We have plenty of options here.

With thoughtfully designed planning for development throughout the county we can take advantage of our prosperity beginning with what will work for all income levels in an integrated live, work, play environment. In already developed areas code enforcement will be the norm. In areas that have been neglected we can attract lovers of historical places to refurbish existing buildings that they buy and restore for their own homes or for resale.

Revival efforts and plans for practical and aesthetic purposes, new and old, will be encouraged and supported.

Drugs, Crime & Vagrants

Nobody enjoys seeing the disheartened or the desperate loitering aimlessly along our streets and highways sometimes begging and pleading for help, especially since our law enforcement knows that the vast majority of these poor souls are lost in the hell of drug abuse. They clearly need our help, are indeed desperate and, as such can be dangerous to both themselves and to others at whom they lash out mindlessly, out of control. So, instead of locking them up in jail where they have not the proper care for their condition we inadvertently make the situation worse. Therefore I propose a plan to house the helpless staffed by trained personnel. 

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.     — Peter Drucker

On The Issues


Ah, development. We can't always live with it and yet we can't live without it.

I'll give my complete analysis soon...


As founder of Scribblers' Retreat Writers' Conference I understand how very important it is that our children be literate. I will continue to apply all that I have learned to help instill the values needed by all educators to turn out well educated children.  


Our community is surprisingly involved. I am happy to call home such a special place as this surrounded by caring and thoughtful neighbors.

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